SMB on openSUSE Conference

The annual openSUSE Conference 2017 is upcoming! Next weekend it will be again in the Z-Bau in Nuremberg, Germany. The conference program is impressive and if you can make it, you should consider stopping by. Stefan Schäfer from the Invis server project and me will organize a workshop about openSUSE for Small and Medium Business (SMB). SMB is a long running concern of the heart of the two of us: Both Stefan, who even does it for living, and me have both used openSUSE in the area of SMB for long and we know how well it serves there....

May 21, 2017 · 2 min · 295 words · Me

Workshop at CERN

Last week, Thomas, Christian and myself were attending a workshop in CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research in Geneve, Switzerland. CERN is a very inspiring place, attracting intelligent people from all over the world to get behind the secrets of our being. I felt honored to be at the place where for example the world wide web was invented. The event was called Workshop on Cloud Services for File Synchronisation and Sharing and was hosted by CERN IT department....

November 27, 2014 · 3 min · 541 words · Me

Let's party!

Yesterday, we released ownCloud 7. You might have read that somewhere on the internet - it was widely announced and broadly picked up. If you do not have ownCloud yet, you really should try it now, and if you are one of the people happily using ownCloud for a while, update soon! In my opinion, ownCloud 7 is a real step ahead. So much work went into it from the brave server guys, and the result is simply impressive: It is fast, beautiful and fully focused on what it is supposed to be and do: File sync and share, even though you still have of course all the other useful stuff like calendaring and such....

July 24, 2014 · 2 min · 333 words · Me

ownCloud @ Chemnitzer Linuxtage 2014

Last weekend Daniel, Arthur, Morris and me were in Chemnitz where the Chemnitzer Linuxtage 2014 took place. We drove a booth during the two days, the CLT host around 60 boothes of companies and FOSS projects. I like to go to the CLT because it is perfectly organized with great enthusiasm of everybody involved from the organisation team. Food, schedules, the venue, everything is perfect. Even on saturday morning, short after opening of the event, somebody from the orga team was showing up on the booth with chocolate for the volunteers, saying hello and asking if everything is in place for a successful weekend....

March 19, 2014 · 2 min · 379 words · Me

ownCloud 6 Releaseparty in Nuremberg

The ownCloud community released ownCloud 6 a couple of days ago. That was another big release and we want to celebrate! Please, everybody who is interested in ownCloud, like to learn more, give feedback or just want to meet other people from the community, you are invited to show up at Coworking Space in Nuremberg, Josephsplatz 8, on december 18th, 6pm. We will have a relaxed evening with a little discussion, maybe short demos, cakes and stuff, and fun....

December 13, 2013 · 1 min · 92 words · Me

ownCloud Client May Hackfest

Again we’re meeting in Berlin at Woboq Intl. Headquarters to work on the ownCloud Sync Client again. One of our topics is the still not completely fixed problem with conflict files. There has been lots of troubles about false conflict files the client is generating in that situations were the ETag database is wasted. We revisited this problem and will come up with a better solution. The key changes will probably be...

May 3, 2013 · 2 min · 241 words · Me

ownCloud Meetup in Nürnberg

Next week a part of the ownCloud team will meet in Nürnberg for a creative time and we thought a little meetup would be cool. Join us for a relaxed evening where we will give short talks about current state of ownCloud, new features and the near future. Let’s meet Wednesday, February 27th, 6:00 PM at the Nuremberg Coworking Space. Talks (short, don’t be afraid!): ownCloud overview by Holger Dyroff The updated ownCloud 5 User Interface by Jan-Christoph Borchardt Next steps for the ownCloud Desktop Clients by Daniel Molkentin The evening closes with a get-together, your chance to meet the team and discuss in a relaxed atmosphere....

February 20, 2013 · 1 min · 110 words · Me

A week for csync

On Friday I arrived back from Berlin where I had the pleasure to work with my great colleague Danimo and our friends from Woboq, Markus and Olivier, in the Woboq Headquarter in Berlin Kreuzberg for a week. We thought that it might be fun to work together on csync, our sync engine under the hood of the ownCloud client. There were some issues that should be fixed and on the way we cleaned and improved quite some code in csync....

December 9, 2012 · 3 min · 580 words · Me

openSUSE Conference 2012

I spent the last weekend in Prague at the openSUSE conference 2012. It was a great opportunity to visit the wonderful city of Prague and meet old friends from the openSUSE community and get a bit more involved into openSUSE again. I gave a talk about ownCloud on Saturday where I tried to show some technical details. That could have gone even deeper was the feedback some people gave me so I promise to show more of for example app development next time....

October 22, 2012 · 2 min · 328 words · Me

ownCloud BOF at Akademy 2012

Akademy 2012 isn’t far any more and I just registered for a BOF at this years Akademy in Tallin. It will take place in Room 419 on monday, July 2nd, 2012 at 10:30. Subject of the BOF will be the integration between KDE and ownCloud. As onwCloud originated from the KDE project we should meet and think together again how we can provide useful integration for the users combining the power of both technologies....

June 17, 2012 · 2 min · 217 words · Me