Kraft Version 1.1

Kraft (Github) is a desktop utility making it easy to create offers and invoices quickly and beautifully in small companies. Today we are releasing Kraft Version 1.1 with significant improvements for users and the Krafts integration with latest software such as cmake and KDE. It received updated dutch translations in UI and also for the manual. The application icon was fixed, and some cmake related fixes were done that make Kraft working with different versions of Akonadi that are available on different distributions....

September 16, 2023 · 2 min · 236 words · Me

Kraft on Windows

Kraft, which was released as version 1.0 after long time of active development, is targetted to the Linux desktop. My firm conviction is that the Linux desktop is very suitable for the target group of Kraft: In the small office of craftsmen for example, a Linux desktop is a great work horse which is stable, very well adoptable and has a great amount of applications that are stable and maintained....

January 2, 2023 · 2 min · 217 words · Me

Kraft Version 1.0

It is a pleasure to announce that Kraft Version 1.0 was released last week. What is Kraft? Kraft is free software to create office documents like offers and invoices in an efficient way. It runs on the Linux desktop and suits small businesses of all kinds. After countless releases with version numbers 0.x, Kraft finally goes with version number 1.0 with this release. It is in production at several companies since many years, and with this release it got many more improvements that make it a really mature product....

December 27, 2022 · 2 min · 409 words · Me

Kraft Version 0.98

We are happy to announce the new Kraft version 0.98 that is available for download. Kraft is software for the Linux desktop to handle quotes and invoices in the small business. This is a version packed with bugfixes and also new features. The most important fixes were in the area of the catalog handling: Based on bug reports from the community the catalog window was completely reworked. Drag and drop of items in the catalog, the sorting and reordering of items are now working properly and as planned....

May 23, 2022 · 1 min · 199 words · Me

PDF Quirk Version Update

The good thing about this quiet holidays is that there is time to work on projects. I had a few nice changes of PDF Quirk laying around, and now finalized them to a new version. Please welcome PDF Quirk version 0.95! What is PDF Quirk? PDF Quirk is a little desktop utility to create PDF files from images, targeted to non nerdy desktop users. Sending PDFs is (still) often a requirement in offices where people are asked to transfer PDF files via email, or better by pushing them through their private ownCloud....

December 30, 2021 · 2 min · 237 words · Me

ownClouds Virtual Files on the Linux Desktop

it could already be read somewhere that 2021 will be the year of Linux on the desktop :-D Fine with me. Just to support that, I did a little hackery over XMas to improve the support for ownClouds virtual file system on the Linux Desktop. What are Virtual Files? In professional usecases, users often have a huge amount of data stored in ownCloud. Syncing these completely to the desktop computer or laptop would be too much and costly in bandwidth and harddisk space....

December 28, 2020 · 4 min · 696 words · Me

Screensharing with MS Teams and KDE: Black Screen

In the day job we use Microsoft Teams. The good news is that it is running on the Linux Desktop, and specifically KDE. So far, so good, however, there was a problem with screensharing for me. Whenever I tried to share my KDE screen, the screen became black, surrounded with a red rectangle as indicator for the shared area. The people who I shared with also just saw the black area, and also the mouse pointer as me....

September 7, 2020 · 1 min · 185 words · Me

Kraft Version 0.95

The authors are happy to announce the new release 0.95 of Kraft. Kraft is free desktop software for managing office documents like quotes and invoices in the small enterprise for the Linux desktop. Kraft Version 0.95 With version 0.95 we do a big step forward in the way of generating documents: Until now (more than fifteen years!) Kraft uses the ReportLab python library to create high quality PDF documents. While this has served us well, it has always been cumbersome to adopt the template for users needs....

August 28, 2020 · 2 min · 391 words · Me

Open Search Foundation

recently I learned about the Open Search Foundation in the public broadcast radio (Bayern 2 Radio Article). That surprised me: I had not heard about OSF before, even though I am active in the field of free software and culture. But this new foundation made it into the mainstream broadcast already. Reason enough to take a closer look. It is a very good sign to have the topic of internet search in the news....

June 14, 2020 · 7 min · 1338 words · Me

Welcome PDF Quirk

How often have you scanned a letter, a certificate or whatever and looked for the right way to call $UTILITY to convert it to a PDF that can be shared via internet? For this very common use case I could not find a tool to make that really easy for the Linux desktop. Given my mission to help making the Linux desktop more common in the small business world (do you know Kraft?...

May 21, 2020 · 2 min · 238 words · Me