Kraft Version 0.90

This blog is to inform that Kraft, the Qt and KDE based desktop software to manage documents like invoices and quotes in your small company was released in version 0.90 recently. Followup Documents A great new feature is the completely reworked handling of so called follow-up documents. Kraft has this feature to help dealing with docs that follow on a certain kind of predecessor doc in the business flow, such as an invoice follows on an offer once the work has been finished....

December 31, 2019 · 3 min · 459 words · Me

More Hiring: Qt Hacker!

ownCloud is even more hiring. In my last post I wrote that we need PHP developers, a security engineer and a system administrator. For all positions we got interesting inquiries already. That’s great, but should not hinder you from sending your CV in case you are still interested. We have multiple positions! But there is even more opportunity: Additionally we are looking for an ownCloud Desktop Client developer. That would be somebody fluid in C++ and Qt who likes to pick up responsibility for our desktop client together with the other guys on the team....

September 16, 2016 · 2 min · 291 words · Me

Sync Progress Display

here is something new and eye candy in the ownCloud Client, so let me show a bit of what we have worked on recently. Many users of the ownCloud Client were asking for sync progress information, in fact there was none at all until today which is a bit boring. The reason why we hadn’t it was simply that csync, which is the file synchronizer engine we use, did not have an API to hand over progress information of an actual up- or download to higher levels of the application....

July 23, 2013 · 2 min · 330 words · Me