You might have heard, ownCloud Client 1.4.0 was released last week. It is available from our sync clients page for all major desktop platforms, investigate the Changelog.

Danimos Visual Guide has outlined the new stuff in the release already, so no need to repeat it here. You should install and try it, that seems to be the opinion of many people who tried it.

Also people who shared their critical view on the client very publically in the past are much more pleased now with 1.4.0. One example is a recent blog post on BITBlokes. It is a blog about all kind of topics around FOSS. I regularly read it and often share its opinions. He concludes very positively about the 1.4.0 client.

It is good to see the positive feedback overall. That shows a couple of things from my engineering point of view: The concentrated work we continously do on all parts of ownCloud pays off. That is obvious of course, but still nice to see. And our (also obvious) actions to improve code quality such as the consequent use of continous integration, code reviews and such helps to improve quality.

“People are always excited if releases come with GUI changes!” I heard people saying. Well, maybe, but that’s not the whole truth. It also proves for me again is how important UI design and UX is. Me as a knee-deep-developer have an interesting relationship to all UX topics: I always have an opinion. Often a strong opinion. But the results coming out of that have not always been the, well, the most optimal. Very fortunate on the client we work together with our UX guy Jan and the positive feedback also shows how good that is for the software.

But enough of release pride. There is more work to do: The bug tracker is still not empty, the list of feature ideas is long. We will continue to focus on correctness, stability and robustness of syncing, performance and useful features and work on a version 1.5 for you.

These are a couple of concrete points we’re focussing on for 1.5:

  1. we already merged the client code on the new upstream sync version in git.
  2. performace improvements through further reduction of the number of requests and more efficiency in database operations on the client.
  3. we are working on a new propagator component that allows us to do the changes mentioned in 2 more easily.
  4. File manager integration, which means havingn icons in Explorer, Dolphin and friends.

A more detailed list can be found at github.

Thank you for all your help and support. It’s big fun!