Busy times currently as we’re heading to releases of ownCloud. The syncing client I am working on plays a role for that and thus I was doing a lot of work on csync upstream and mirall to get that going. Meanwhile I succeeded to get mirall running under Win32, it was quite an experience for me digging through the mud of various compilers and environments and the different understandings of C standards, especially since csync is plain C and never run on Win32 before.

Last week I have been on CeBIT for a day, which is a huge and busy event. We had a nice preview running there with syncing between the web client and the desktop clients on Windows and Linux, as well as on an Android device. That already worked quite ok, nevertheless I got quite some bug reports since then. And I still have to work with csync upstream to get patches in there before we’re ready for a public beta.

This weekend I will be at the Chemnitzer Linuxtage together with friends from the openSUSE project. I will show some ownCloud syncing there as well, so if you like show up at the openSUSE booth for a demo and a chat :-)