I spent the last weekend in Prague at the openSUSE conference 2012. It was a great opportunity to visit the wonderful city of Prague and meet old friends from the openSUSE community and get a bit more involved into openSUSE again.

I gave a talk about ownCloud on Saturday where I tried to show some technical details. That could have gone even deeper was the feedback some people gave me so I promise to show more of for example app development next time. Apart from that (and apart from the fact that laptops, projectors and Linux still do not play well) the talk went ok and was well received.

The conference is a joint conference of actually four conferences: The openSUSE Conference, the Czech Linux Days, the Gentoo Summit and the SUSE Labs Conference. Over the weekend it was hosted at the Czech technical university of prague and that was a great venue. Very inspiring that over the whole foyer of the building intersting art sculptures were shown. Unusual for a technical faculty but a great thing. The building is modern and large enough for all the talks and workshops but as a result of that it was sometimes a bit difficult to keep the overview where happens what. Especially because the start- and end times of the talks were not kept in sync over the tracks.

I found it is a different atmosphere on the event compared to the openSUSE conferences of the last years which might have been more focussed around the openSUSE project. This one felt more like an general FOSS event. That is not bad, just different, and since change is obvious and good I look forward to seeing how this influences the openSUSE project in the near future.

I like to thank all involved on the organizing teams for their successful hard work, have a lot of fun for the next two days, I had a lot during the last two days :)