It’s release day today: This morning, ownCloud 4 was released! With a very cool set of features it’s even more useful and again more fun to use.

Along with that I am happy to let you know that we also released the ownCloud Desktop Client in version 1.0.2.

It is a maintenance release with a couple of important bugfixes, such as the cross platform filename encoding problem I was already talking about. Apart from that big blocker a couple of smaller, but annoying problems were fixed. Also the GUI was polished, text changes here and there and a new icon set that looks more cool and more like ownCloud.

Version 1.0.2 is also the version that is released on all big desktop platforms the first time. Now we also offer a dmg for MacOSX as well as a Windows Installer and packages for the major Linux distributions. Have fun!

If you want to talk about ownCloud, file synchronization or such, we have a booth on Linuxtag in Berlin and I will be there. I am looking forward to meeting you.