Last weekend Daniel, Arthur, Morris and me were in Chemnitz where the Chemnitzer Linuxtage 2014 took place. We drove a booth during the two days, the CLT host around 60 boothes of companies and FOSS projects. I like to go to the CLT because it is perfectly organized with great enthusiasm of everybody involved from the organisation team. Food, schedules, the venue, everything is perfect.

Even on saturday morning, short after opening of the event, somebody from the orga team was showing up on the booth with chocolate for the volunteers, saying hello and asking if everything is in place for a successful weekend. A small detail, which shows how much effort is put into organization of the event.

As a result, visitors come to visit the event. It’s mostly a community centric event: Exhibitors are mostly representing FOSS projects such as, distributions like Fedora or openSUSE or companies from the free software market. [caption id=“attachment_428” align=“alignright” width=“595”]Morris in action on the booth Morris in action on the booth[/caption]The majority of visitors are mostly interested in private use of the software. But, no rule without exception, we also had a remarkable number of people from companies, either executives or people working in the IT departments, who were interested in ownCloud.

Speaking about ownCloud, I want to say that it’s amazing to represent our project. People know it, people like it, people use it. In private, but also in professional space people work with ownCloud already or are planing to start with ownCloud. ownCloud already is the accepted solution for the problems that became so practical with the NSA scandal last year.

My talk with title A private Cloud with ownCloud on Saturday morning was very well received and went smooth. The room was too small, lots of people had to stand or sit on the stairs. It was a very positive atmosphere.

Something that changed compared to last year and the year before: Most discussions were around how ownCloud can be installed, integrated and used and not any more about which features are still missing or maybe also bugs.

So it were two very exhausting days, but big fun! Thanks to Daniel, Arthur and Morris for the work and fun we had on the booth, and thanks to the CLT team for CLT.