Yesterday the ownCloud Client team released the ownCloud Client 1.2.0 beta 2. It includes a couple of improvements compared to beta 1 which was released before Christmas.

The release of version 1.2.0 is planned for the next week if things go smooth.

[caption id=“attachment_219” align=“alignright” width=“595”]New Sync Protocol Dialog New Sync Protocol Dialog[/caption]

In particular, the the following improvements were added:

  • Proxy authentication fixed (Basic auth, NTLM will not yet work)
  • The status dialog now provides statistics on the last sync run (via the info button). It will tell in detail which files have been synced, added or deleted.
  • Client will go offline while the server in in maintenance mode (feature available with ownCoud master only)
  • Improved SSL Certificate acceptance
  • All sizes of the new icons are available.
  • Support files > 2 GB on all platforms for uploading.
  • Fixed some minor memory leaks and again saved some server requests through optimizations.
  • Improved error reporting to the user.
  • Remove legacy theming support.

We would appreciate if you give this release a test ride. Note that because it is beta you should make extra sure to have have backups of your data.

If you want to give feedback, please use our mailing list for general discussion and the issue tracker for bug reports. Please read our new guidelines on bug reporting before!

Download Links:


Have fun!