We released a ownCloud Client 1.4.0 beta 2. Sources and binaries are availabe at the client download page for you. We kindly ask for more testing.

First and foremost, beta 2 fixes a severe bug on the windows platform which was the root cause for a lot of other bug you might have experienced, such as infinite sync loops and similar. Please urgently prefer the beta2 over beta1 for testing.

Other fixes went into polishing of the new progress display, the sync protocol window which is not sync-folder centric any more and many other places.

We encourage thorough testing of this version, especially the new features. In addition, we would like to ask you to check the open issues in https://github.com/owncloud/mirall/issues and tag them with the “1.4” tag if they are still reproducible.

Thanks a lot for your enthusiasm. That helps us to improve ownCloud.