here is something new and eye candy in the ownCloud Client, so let me show a bit of what we have worked on recently.

Many users of the ownCloud Client were asking for sync progress information, in fact there was none at all until today which is a bit boring. The reason why we hadn’t it was simply that csync, which is the file synchronizer engine we use, did not have an API to hand over progress information of an actual up- or download to higher levels of the application.

We implemented two callbacks in csync: One that informs about start, end and progress of an up- or download of an individual file. Another one processes the overall progress of the currently running sync run, indicating for example that eight files have to be processed, current is file number four, and x of the overall sum y bytes have been processed already.

That information is passed into a singleton class called ProgressDispatcher in the client code, where other classes can connect to a signal providing that information. That comes handy as we need the information at different places in the client GUI. [caption id=“attachment_299” align=“alignright” width=“399”]Sync Progress Display Sync Progress Display[/caption] The screenshot shows the first and probably most detailed implementation of the progress display in the sync accounts details which are part of a new settings- and status dialog.

The visual appearance was worked out by our interaction designer Jan. We always have to argue a bit because obviously I am the greatest interaction designer around ;-) but well, finally we do like Jan says and the result is great IMO. It’s great that we have him for ownCloud as that guarantees that our project is not drifting too much onto the geeky techy side which (I heard) is scaring off some users…

Hope you like it! You can get a preview in the current nightly builds (win, mac, Linux) of the client! Please report bugs as you find them, thanks.