Kraft Moving to KDE Frameworks: Beta Release!

Kraft is KDE/Qt based desktop software to manage documents like quotes and invoices in the small business. It focuses on ease of use through an intuitive GUI, a well chosen feature set and ensures privacy by keeping data local. Kraft is around for more than twelve years, but it has been a little quiet recently. However, Kraft is alive and kicking! I am very happy to announce the first public beta version of Kraft V....

February 3, 2018 · 2 min · 422 words · Me

ownCloud Client 1.2.0 beta2

Yesterday the ownCloud Client team released the ownCloud Client 1.2.0 beta 2. It includes a couple of improvements compared to beta 1 which was released before Christmas. The release of version 1.2.0 is planned for the next week if things go smooth. [caption id=“attachment_219” align=“alignright” width=“595”] New Sync Protocol Dialog[/caption] In particular, the the following improvements were added: Proxy authentication fixed (Basic auth, NTLM will not yet work) The status dialog now provides statistics on the last sync run (via the info button)....

January 19, 2013 · 2 min · 241 words · Me