ownCloud Chunking NG Part 3: Incremental Syncing

This is the third and final part of a little blog series about a new chunking algorithm that we discussed in ownCloud. You might be interested to read the first two parts ownCloud Chunking NG and Announcing an Upload as well. This part makes a couple of ideas how the new chunking could be useful with a future feature of incremental sync (also called delta sync) in ownCloud. In preparartion of delta sync the server could provide another new WebDAV route: remote....

November 13, 2015 · 3 min · 429 words · Me

ownCloud Chunking NG Part 2: Announcing an Upload

The first part of this little blog series explained the basic operations of chunk file upload as we set it up for discussion. This part goes a bit beyond and talks about an addition to that, called announcing the upload. With the processing described in the first part of the blog, the upload is done savely and with a clean approach, but it also has some drawbacks. Most notably the server does not know the target filename of the uploaded file upfront....

July 10, 2015 · 2 min · 338 words · Me

ownCloud Chunking NG

Recently Thomas and me met in person and thought about an alternative approach to bring our big file chunking to the next level. “Big file chunking” is ownClouds algorithm to upload huge files to ownCloud with clients. This is the first of three little blog posts in which we want to present the idea and get your feedback. This is for open discussion, nothing is set in stone so far....

June 22, 2015 · 3 min · 582 words · Me