Setup ownCloud Infinite Scale Real Quick

The ownCloud product Infinite Scale is going to be released in version five soon. The latest stable version is 4.0.5 and I am sure everybody checked it out already and is blown away by it’s performance, elegance and ease of use. No, not yet? Ok, well, in that case, here comes rescue: With the little script described here, it becomes really easy to start Infinite Scale to check it out on your computer....

December 27, 2023 · 3 min · 483 words · Me

Open VFS Framework for the free Desktop

A few days ago Volker Krause posted this blog about the Nextcloud conference - a very interesting read. One of the topics is the VFS (Virtual Filesystem-) API for the Linux desktop. Indeed that is a topic for us at ownCloud as well, and I like to share our perspective on it, discussing it in the scope of the free desktop. The topic is very important, as “syncing” of data from and to cloud storages has changed over time....

September 29, 2023 · 3 min · 461 words · Me

ownClouds Virtual Files on the Linux Desktop

it could already be read somewhere that 2021 will be the year of Linux on the desktop :-D Fine with me. Just to support that, I did a little hackery over XMas to improve the support for ownClouds virtual file system on the Linux Desktop. What are Virtual Files? In professional usecases, users often have a huge amount of data stored in ownCloud. Syncing these completely to the desktop computer or laptop would be too much and costly in bandwidth and harddisk space....

December 28, 2020 · 4 min · 696 words · Me

ownCloud and CryFS

It is a great idea to encrypt files on client side before uploading them to an ownCloud server if that one is not running in controlled environment, or if one just wants to act defensive and minimize risk. Some people think it is a great idea to include the functionality in the sync client. I don’t agree because it combines two very complex topics into one code base and makes the code difficult to maintain....

August 17, 2019 · 3 min · 621 words · Me

Eighty Percent ownCloud

Recently the German computer magazin C’t posted an article about file sync solutions (“Unter eigener Regie”, C’t 23, 2018) with native sync clients. The article was pretty positive about the FOSS solution of… Nextcloud! I was wondering why they had not choosen ownCloud’s client as my feeling is that ownCloud is way more busy and innovative developing the desktop client for file synchronization together with community. [caption id=“attachment_943” align=“alignright” width=“338”] Code lines changed as of Nov....

December 23, 2018 · 3 min · 442 words · Me

Raspberry based Private Cloud?

Here is something that might be a little outdated already, but I hope it still adds some interesting thoughts. The rainy Sunday afternoon today finally gives the opportunity to write this little blog. Recently an ownCloud fork was coming up with a little shiny box with one harddisk, that can be complemented with a Rapsberry Pi and their software, promoting that as your private cloud. While I like the idea of building a private cloud for everybody (I started to work on ownCloud because of that idea back in the days), I do not think that this example of gear is a good solution for private cloud....

December 11, 2016 · 4 min · 699 words · Me

Recent ownCloud Releases

Even though we just had the nice and successful ownCloud Contributor Conference there have quite some ownCloud releases happened recently. I like to draw your attention to this for a moment, because some people seem to fail to see how active the ownCloud community actually is at the moment. There has been the big enterprise release 9.1 on September 20th, but that of course came along with community releases which are in the focus here....

October 4, 2016 · 2 min · 389 words · Me

More Hiring: Qt Hacker!

ownCloud is even more hiring. In my last post I wrote that we need PHP developers, a security engineer and a system administrator. For all positions we got interesting inquiries already. That’s great, but should not hinder you from sending your CV in case you are still interested. We have multiple positions! But there is even more opportunity: Additionally we are looking for an ownCloud Desktop Client developer. That would be somebody fluid in C++ and Qt who likes to pick up responsibility for our desktop client together with the other guys on the team....

September 16, 2016 · 2 min · 291 words · Me

ownCloud is hiring!

[caption id=“attachment_10199” align=“alignright” width=“300”] Come join us![/caption]After the recent news, we are now back on stage and with this blog we want to point you to our open positions. Yes, we are hiring people to work on ownCloud. ownCloud is an open source project, yes, but ownCloud GmbH, the company behind the project, provides significant people’s power to expand the project to serve the needs for both the community and ownCloud GmbH’s customers....

August 3, 2016 · 3 min · 565 words · Me

ownCloud Client 2.2.x

A couple of weeks ago we released another significant milestone of the ownCloud Client, called version 2.2.0, followed by two small maintenance releases. (download). I’d like to highlight some of the new features and the changes that we have made to improve the user experience: Overlay Icons Overlay icons for the various file managers on our three platforms already exist for quite some time, but it has turned out that the performance was not up to the mark for big sync folders....

June 24, 2016 · 4 min · 705 words · Me