Raspberry based Private Cloud?

Here is something that might be a little outdated already, but I hope it still adds some interesting thoughts. The rainy Sunday afternoon today finally gives the opportunity to write this little blog. Recently an ownCloud fork was coming up with a little shiny box with one harddisk, that can be complemented with a Rapsberry Pi and their software, promoting that as your private cloud. While I like the idea of building a private cloud for everybody (I started to work on ownCloud because of that idea back in the days), I do not think that this example of gear is a good solution for private cloud....

December 11, 2016 · 4 min · 699 words · Me

openSUSE on RaspberryPi with ownCloud

This morning during a cup of coffee I wanted to do something adventurous. I put the raspberry which I bought recently (without having very much played with it because of my light apt-* allergy) on the table and thought I will try to install the openSUSE distribution. I remembered awesome Bernhard was blogging about that topic recently. On that page one can find this link where raspberrypi images can be found....

November 19, 2013 · 2 min · 383 words · Me