Sync Progress Display

here is something new and eye candy in the ownCloud Client, so let me show a bit of what we have worked on recently. Many users of the ownCloud Client were asking for sync progress information, in fact there was none at all until today which is a bit boring. The reason why we hadn’t it was simply that csync, which is the file synchronizer engine we use, did not have an API to hand over progress information of an actual up- or download to higher levels of the application....

July 23, 2013 · 2 min · 330 words · Me

What's on in Nightly?

We ownCloud Client devs were quite busy doing bug investigations and two releases the last couple of weeks. But that does not mean that nothing went into feature branches. It did, and now we can start to think of a release 1.3.0 with a couple of new features for the client. Here is a small overview of what went into ocsync master (actually the dav branch) and into mirall master....

April 29, 2013 · 4 min · 682 words · Me

Csync for ownCloud Client 1.1.0 - A New Sync Engine

Along with todays ownCloud 4.5 release we released the new ownCloud Client 1.1.0 with a new syncing concept. This blog will shed some light on the details. I apologize, it’s a long read. Time Issues ownCloud Client versions 1.0.x worked with csyncs traditional way of using the file modification times to detect updates between the two repositories that should be synced to each other. That works fine and conforms to our idea to ideally not use any other metadata in syncing than what the file system has anyway....

October 11, 2012 · 5 min · 882 words · Me

Status ownCloud Desktop Syncing

It has been a busy week where I was working on the ownCloud Desktop sync client. As described in my last post this will be based on a csync module to handle ownCloud as well as mirall, a Qt based desktop client to sync. That involved basically three things: A csync module, a patch in ownCloud and work on mirall. For csync, there needs to be a module that handles the connection to ownCloud, for code see [1]....

February 17, 2012 · 2 min · 395 words · Me