Another DIY Net Player

Following up on my first DIY Net Player Post on this blog, I like to present another player that I recently built. [caption id=“teakear1” align=“alignnone” width=“800”] TeakEar media player[/caption] This is a Raspberry Pi based audiophile net player that decodes my mp3 collection and net radio to my Linn amplifier. It is called TeakEar, because it’s main corpus is made from teak wood. Obviously I do not want to waste rain forest trees just because of my funny ideas, the teak wood used here has been a table from the 1970ies, back when nobody cared about rainforests....

August 5, 2017 · 2 min · 421 words · Me

SMB on openSUSE Conference

The annual openSUSE Conference 2017 is upcoming! Next weekend it will be again in the Z-Bau in Nuremberg, Germany. The conference program is impressive and if you can make it, you should consider stopping by. Stefan Schäfer from the Invis server project and me will organize a workshop about openSUSE for Small and Medium Business (SMB). SMB is a long running concern of the heart of the two of us: Both Stefan, who even does it for living, and me have both used openSUSE in the area of SMB for long and we know how well it serves there....

May 21, 2017 · 2 min · 295 words · Me

Workshop at CERN

Last week, Thomas, Christian and myself were attending a workshop in CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research in Geneve, Switzerland. CERN is a very inspiring place, attracting intelligent people from all over the world to get behind the secrets of our being. I felt honored to be at the place where for example the world wide web was invented. The event was called Workshop on Cloud Services for File Synchronisation and Sharing and was hosted by CERN IT department....

November 27, 2014 · 3 min · 541 words · Me